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Archives par mot-clé : pilots
A P-51 Mustang for the price of a Beetle (or almost)
I’m not an aviation specialist, not even a real aviation buff, but I’ve come to like planes more than a non-pilot. Unexpected circumstances (the discovery of a letter in a small museum in Montana) have led me to write a … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Aviation et pilotes, The Legend of Little Eagle, Tout le blog
Marqué avec Mustang prices, novel, P-51 Mustang, pilots, The Legend of Little EagleBeetle, WWII
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On July 31, 1944, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry went MIA
In The Legend of Little Eagle, a novel with an important background on aviation and WW2, I tried to tell in a faithful way, based on different historical accounts, how the disappearance of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was felt by his … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Archives, The Legend of Little Eagle, Tout le blog
Marqué avec Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, aviation, Corsica, pilots, The Legend of Little Eagle, USAF, ww2
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The choice between saving one’s own life or the lives of others
French version I have written earlier how a letter, found in a small museum in Montana, had inspired the writing of my novel « The Legend of Little Eagle ». This letter, dated 1947 and sent from France, was … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Aviation et pilotes, The Legend of Little Eagle, Tout le blog
Marqué avec 479th Fighter Group, aviation, France, LeRoy Lutz, Lightning P-38, montana, Nebraska, Ninepipes Museum, pilots, US Air Force, USA, WWII
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